
Computer Classes

Check out the complete list of Computer Classes being offered this season and register when you are ready!  



Public Hours and Services

Computer Lab

The Community Center Computer Lab is open to the public weekdays 8:00 am-4:30 pm and staffed by a volunteer on Thursdays 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.  No reservation is needed.  Just drop in. High speed Internet is provided by Indiana Data Center.

Lab fee: $2/hour.

Copies are 10¢ single side and 15¢ double side for black and white and 15¢ single side and 25¢ double side for color. 

Photo prints are: $.35 for 4 x 6 and $1.50 for 8.5 x 11.

 Excel Class Spring 2019sm

2024 Computer Class Testimonials

Class was great, would take it again in an instance. Instructor was great! -Linda S.

Keith is extremely patient and kind as he breaks down his knowledge to the most basic levels. -Karen F.

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