Spanish rivals English as the language of choice in the Americas with over 250 million native Spanish speakers in South, Central and North America. It is also one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn. Spanish I is for beginners. The Continuing class is for those who have advanced just beyond the beginning level class. Ages 13+. Instructor Benigna (Betty) Rodriguez grew up on the Texas-Mexico border. She is fluent in both Spanish and English and has taught at the Community Center for over 15 years. Registration deadline: September 8. Min. 5. Max. 10.
Code Dates Day Time
Spanish I
442600-T1 9/15-11/3 T 6-7:30 pm
#Sessions/Fee: 8/$81/$86 after September 8
Spanish Continuing
442600-T2 9/15-11/3 T 1:30-3:30 pm
# Sessions/Fee: 8/$72/$77 after September 8
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.