

The Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department has initiated a riparian management plan that will improve and protect the shoreline and water quality for generations to come.  

View the City of Fort Wayne's Riparian Management Plan 


10 28 before sm 10 28 after

Riparian photos before/after a portion of Bloomingdale Park was worked on.  


Riparian photo of the Great Tree Canopy Comeback

Volunteers Needed for Riverfront Cleanups (Riparian Management)

If you would like to participate in a Riverfront cleanup, please sign up online to find the scheduled time that works best for you.

If you have a group of 10 or more volunteers, please contact KayeC Jones at 260-427-6408 to arrange a cleanup for your group. 

Volunteers will clip honeysuckle limbs from bushes, cut down the remaining trunks with handsaws and carry the brush to an area in the park. All tools and work gloves will be provided. The honeysuckle stems are not prickly and the brush isn’t heavy. This is a family-friendly activity so children are welcome, too. Please dress for the weather! Close-toed shoes, like tennis shoes, are recommended.

Riparian Volunteer Clean up photo sm


Thanks to over 2,122 volunteers who have dedicated 8,991 volunteer man-hours  by removing 90 tons of invasive species and more than 38,288 pounds of trash from banks and waterways. The volunteer investment saved the city a total of  $171,014 to date! 

Pictures of Before/After Work 

Spy Run Photo before sm


Spy Run Before


spy run after 1 sm


Spy Run After 

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