Please note, applications for 2024 are now closed.  Please check back in the spring on the 2025 program!  

Please complete this form on-line and submit:
2025 Citizen Match Tree Planting Program Application (On-line version) (Available next spring!)

Or you can download the form for completion and mailing: 

2025 Citizen Match Tree Planting Program Application (Printable Version) 

Prior to submitting your application please review the following documents:
Citizen Match-The Details  

Please refer to the pdf linked below when selecting the two tree varieties for the Citizen Match Application form.

Approved Tree List (PDF)

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Street Tree Information 

The City of Fort Wayne’s urban canopy is recognized as a key element of our overall infrastructure. Our trees are one of the very few components of our infrastructure that do not depreciate over time; they actually provide an increased benefit/value as time passes. 

Any tree that has been planted in the public right of way is a street tree. The public right of way's width varies from street to street, but it is generally defined as the area from the street side curb inward to a distance of approximately 8 feet. This area is used for sidewalks, utility lines, and street trees. 

Street trees benefit our community in many ways. They define the character of our neighborhoods and add to the value of our properties. Street trees provide aesthetic, environmental and socioeconomic benefits that help improve our quality of life. Learn more about t
he benefits that our urban canopy provides.

For questions about the trees, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


IMG 2821.arbor day 2023

The Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Forestry Team is responsible for maintaining the urban canopy. This public asset is comprised of almost 50,000 street trees located along nearly 1300 miles of roadway and 20,000 trees found within our 89 parks.


Do you want to know more about the benefits of trees?  Check out this podcast with Derek Veit, City Forester, and Steve McDaniel, Director! Benefits of Trees Podcast!


Check out the links below to learn more about the Street Tree Program:

Street Tree Protection

Street Tree Removal

Street Tree Planting

Storm Related Response for Street Trees


Check out additional resources:

Shading our City

Shading our City: The Urban Forestry Management Plan is now available on-line.

hading Our City is intended to provide a framework for ensuring that the trees and forests of our City are appropriately cared for according to our community goals.


General Information

City Arborist: Derek Veit (260.427.6480)



Crews working in parksmall

Sections Map-Neighborhoods 
(check out this map to see Pruning Sections)

Someine in a bucketsmall

Wall Base Map

you have questions about our pruning program in general, please e-mail: 
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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Upcoming Events

Settlers’ Historic Hand Arts Program
13 Feb 2025   9:00 am - 11:30 am
13 Feb 2025  12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Thursday Theme Nights @ Headwaters Park Ice Rink
13 Feb 2025   6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
1812 Officer & NCO Training
15 Feb 2025  10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Dance Promenade: Masquerade Madness
15 Feb 2025   6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department  705 E. State Blvd.   Fort Wayne, IN 46805  (260) 427-6000 • Office hours: Monday-Friday 8 am-5 pm