
Check out each Youth Center (Jennings, McMillen or Weisser) for additional Information.

Fall After School Program Flyer sm

Sign up for Current programming at Jennings, McMillen or Weisser NOW!

Job Notice Rec Leader

Join our team! 

Recreation Leaders engage and interact with youth, lead games, and provide guidance and mentoring at three community centers. Must be 18 or older, meet all qualifications and pass a background check and drug test. 

Adult Classes at Jennings Center


Bring your lunch and a friend and join us every other Friday for board games and other fun activities  guest speakers, and more! 

It's all fun and all FREE!  No sign up necessary.  Just drop in!


Enjoy some photos from our Youth Centers! 


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 weisser making orange smoothiesm

Weisser Kids Cafesm

 weisser cooking asparagussm


weisser cleaning greenssm




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new_blue_64x64Take our on-line survey now!
This quick and easy survey will only take 1 minute or less and will provide us with valuable information!

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