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Salomon Farm Volunteers Needed
Salomon Farm Park, 817 W. Dupont Rd.

Garden Volunteer Orientation

Monday, April 22, 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Salomon Farm Learning Center, 817 W. Dupont Rd.

Down and dirty or neat and clean, volunteers are an integral part of Salomon Farm Park, completing tasks such as preparing beds, planting, weeding, working with garden tools, minor maintenance and combating unwanted bugs. Volunteers also harvest and sell produce at the Farmers’ Market on Wednesdays (June-September) and do garden documentation in spreadsheets and word documents. Garden volunteers meet every Monday and Thursday morning from April through September and receive a share in the garden produce. You do not have to commit to the whole season, or for every scheduled work day, and no previous gardening experience is required. An orientation will be held at the farm in the Learning Center on Monday, April 22, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or accompanied by a guardian. To sign up for the orientation, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (260) 427-6790 by April 15.

Salomon Farm Volunteer Organizations

Salomon Farm Park relies on volunteers to help maintain the park and provide various amenities and services to our community. If you are interested in becoming a garden volunteer or getting involved in farm park operations indirectly through the Tractor Club, Flax and Fleece Guild, or Gardeners of America, please plan to attend any of the clubs’ meetings. All meetings are held at the Salomon Farm Park in the Wolf Family Learning Center, 817 W. Dupont Rd. Please direct any questions regarding volunteering or possible service project for your group to Larry at 427-6005 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Salomon Farm Park would not be the pristine place that it is without the support of our volunteers. Salomon Farm Park relies on volunteers for a myriad of tasks such as planning and tending the produce gardens and orchard, caring for the livestock, tending the crop fields, and many more projects in which we always welcome extra help! Please attend an orientation/meeting or contact Eden at 260.427.6790 to get involved!

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Photo credit to: Denny Beck

Volunteering at Special Events

Salomon Farm Park is home to many annual events and festivals! If you are interested in volunteering at any of our events, please contact Eden Lamb at 260.427.6790 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Pigs with people by Denny Beck sm

Photo credit: Denny Beck


Group Volunteer Projects

Is your school, church, work, club, or scout troop looking to do some good in the community? Salomon Farm Park always has projects that could use some helping hands! Contact Eden at 260.427.6790 to schedule a volunteer day down on the Farm!

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Club Meetings

Joining a club is a great way to support your community, gain knowledge, refine your skills, and make new friends! We have an eclectic group of clubs that support Salomon Farm Park, so we’re sure you’ll find one you love!

Gardeners of America Club Meetings

2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center

The mission of the Gardeners of America is to promote gardening education and related environmental issues to its membership and the gardening public through charitable, educational and scientific means. Join the club! The Fort Wayne Chapter of Gardeners of America meets on the second Thursday of the month. All gardening skill levels are welcome. For more information about the club or a particular meeting, leave a message for Simone at 260.486.2167 or Kathy at 260.637.6242. Also, please visit their Little Free Library in front of the Learning Center at Salomon Farm.

Farmer with Tractor by Denny Beck sm

Photo credit: Denny Beck

Tri-State Antique Tractor Club

3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.

Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center

The Tri-State Antique Tractor Club is an organization that is dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of old farm machinery. If you’ve ever been to our infamous Fall Harvest Festival you’ve surely seen our co-sponsors the TSA Tractor Club working hard! Join the club and meet other tractor enthusiasts, assist in tending the crop fields, and get the chance to learn and work on a myriad of antique farm equipment pieces. The club meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Learning Center. For more information please contact Eden at 427-6790

DeKalb County Horsemen’s Association

Location: Draft Animal Museum (5873 C.R.#427, Auburn, IN)

If you’ve ever been to one of our festivals, you surely haven’t missed the massive horses pulling along wagons. It’s all thanks to the DeKalb County Horsemen’s Association! Their purpose as a club is to hold exhibitions, fairs and other events to promote the breeding, care and use of draft animals through education and public service in DeKalb County, Indiana. Its members are draft animal owners or people that were interested in draft animals that want to come together for social, educational and community service reasons. Anyone may become of a member in good standing of the Association by paying the required annual dues as set forth by the Membership and attend regular meetings and events of the Association. Meetings are currently held monthly at the Draft Animal Museum, 5873 C.R.#427, Auburn, Indiana beginning at 7:00 p.m. Dues are $10.00 annually. E-mail the Horsemen's Association:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 260.343.8798 for more information.  

Fort Wayne Flax and Fleecers

2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Location: Salomon Fark Park, Wolf Family Learning Center, 817 W Dupont Road

(Meetings in July and December will be held at the Swinney Homestead)

Fort Wayne Flax and Fleecers are proud supporters of the annual Fiber Arts celebration at Salomon Farm Park. The guild is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fiber arts. Guild meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month, starting at 6:30 p.m. at Swinney Homestead in Fort Wayne. In addition to the monthly meetings, the guild participates in many activities throughout the year, including spin-ins, charity knitting, Fiber Arts Celebration, the Johnny Appleseed Festival, spinning at the Old Fort, and many more. For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Salomon Farm Blacksmiths

Location: Salomon Farm Park Blacksmith Forge

hanks to Salomon Farm Blacksmiths for all of their volunteer hours in teaching classes and demonstrating at events. Join the Blacksmiths at 9 am on the 4th Saturday each month to watch and participate in forging (18 years and up only). Find the blacksmiths in the forge, just south of the gardens. The Blacksmiths offer beginner classes for both children and adults.

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