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Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education's mission:

"To preserve the beauty of Fort Wayne's natural areas and parks; to promote outdoor recreation and education with classes and programs offered to the general public; provide events and programs designed to promote cultural enrichment."


Winter Hikes in Fort Wayne, Indiana | Find Maps and Trails


Winter Programs

Check out the Current Fun Times or Register NOW to learn more about the WINTER Fun!

Get excited about these Winter Programs!

Winterval Events throughout Fort Wayne
Various classes at Salomon Farm Park

 Skate your way into February at Headwaters Park Ice Rink

Headwaters Park 

Be sure to check out the Headwaters Park Ice Rink link for information on skating starting November 23!


 Riverfront Fort Wayne is putting on great events such as:

Sunday Heritage Concerts
Kickboxing with 9Round
Yoga on the Riverfront
Winter Cozy: Fire & Ice 

 Check out: Riverfront Fort Wayne for additional information.


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Join us on Facebook!

We just created a new Facebook page just for the School Children's Flower and Vegetable Association program! 
Like our page today and learn more as the season progresses on growing vegetables, cut flowers, herbs and potted plants!


 Wild Walkers 2025

Wild Walkers is an adult hiking group that meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month for a walk on the wild side. Each hike features a different natural area in the region (parks, wetlands, nature preserve, etc.) and carpooling is available when necessary. Please call Eden at 427-6008 or e-mail eden.lamb@cityof fortwayne.org if you have questions. 

2025  Wild Walkers Schedule 

Naturalist Camp ACTIVenture Week 4 Lindenwood

Lindenwood Field Trips & Outings 

Lindenwood Field Trips
600 Lindenwood Avenue 

Nature has so much to teach us and there’s no better way to learn than to experience it firsthand.  Check out the Lindenwood Nature Preserve Field Trips link for additional information.

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Fishing Information

Before you head out to fish, check out the above resources to learn a bit more! 





Links to Nature Groups/Activities:


Botanical Conservatory
Franke Day Camp
Allen County Partnership for Water Quality
St. Joe River Watch Institute
Allen County Soil & Water Conservation District
Little River Wetlands Project
Environmental Education Association of Indiana
Trees Indiana
Mother Earth News 
School Children's Flower & Vegetable Association    

Flora & Fauna Brochures Available:

Reptiles & Amphibians
Spring Wildflowers
Summer Wildflowers



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NOW AVAILABLE!  Search for parks, trails, activities and more.

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