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July 29-August 2, 2024
9 am- 4 pm 

Shoaff Riverlodge, 6401 St. Joe Rd.

In this one-week camp you will learn about our rivers through hands-on exploration and leave with an enthusiasm for our waterways. Water activities, outdoor games, fishing, science experiments, canoe and kayaking, hiking, river clean-up and water safety are all part of the fun! A confirmation letter will be sent out with details a week prior to camp! Ages 8-12. 

Fee: $165/week 

Registration for River Camp will begin on March 24, 2025!!

Click here to register for River Camp!

Important Forms
Confirmation Information  Please read through this information prior to camp and bring the required contact information form and other supplies with you on your first day of camp!
Release & Authorization form


Medication Permission Forms (As needed)
Medication Protocol Information
Prescription Medication Permission Form
Over the Counter Medication Permission Form


A special thanks to Kevin Wiener, a photographer and entomologist from Evansville, Indiana. He helps people overcome their fears of bugs. He stopped in at River Camp to have a special program for the youth on bugs which included how to hold a tarantula and took them on a bug hunt! 

The link to his facebook page: All Bugs Go To Kevin


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