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Thanks to all of our great volunteers!  We appreciate every one....whether you volunteer once or on an on-going basis. We need you!

Volunteer and Instructor Opportunities

The Community Center offers numerous opportunities for people of any age to join our family of over 150 volunteers. As a Community Center volunteer you will find satisfaction in being of service to the community, develop your interests and make new acquaintances. You may volunteer on a regular weekly schedule, occasionally as needed or share your skills by teaching a class. Please call 427-6441 for more information. Examples of volunteer positions include:

Fitness & Conditioning Coordinator

Book Sale Assistants

Senior Games Coordinator

Craft Coordinators and Assistants

Volunteer and Paid Special Interest Class Instructors

Cleaning Assistants

Computer Lab Assistants and Instructors

Special Events Helpers

Music Education

Shuffle Board League Coordinator

Cornhole League Coordinator 

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Check out the Volunteer Application or Click Here to sign up today!



Recently the Community Center presented certificates to those who put 50+ hours, 100+ hours, 150+ hours, 200+ hours, and 250+ hours of volunteer service!


2024 Annual Volunteer Recognition Photos

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As a Community Center volunteer you will find satisfaction in being of service to the community,
develop your interests and make new acquaintances.

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You may choose to volunteer on a regular basis or only occasionally as you like.

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Many thanks to all of our great volunteers... 


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You will not want to miss all the FUN of making new friends so sign up today!


Our loyal staff wants to encourage any and all to come over to the Community Center and check out all we have to offer. 

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 Chuck, Patti and Steve say...."you ALWAYS WIN with US!"


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NOW AVAILABLE!  Search for parks, trails, activities and more.

We want your feedback!

new_blue_64x64Take our on-line survey now!
This quick and easy survey will only take 1 minute or less and will provide us with valuable information!

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