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Pictured above:  Lucky and London on their Photo reveal!  They weren't sure what was required but.....did FABULOUS! Kathy loves every minute of trying to capture the essence of our Department!  


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 Pictured above: Judges at St. Vincent Elementary School for the School Children's Flower & Vegetable Association.  Kathy is on the far right.  

The Fort Wayne Park & Recreation Department's Web Master/Manager Lead of Marketing, Kathy Pargmann, has worked for the Department for over 37 years. 

She is originally from Michigan where she received a two year Ornamental Horticulture Degree from Ferris State University and a Bachelors and Masters from Michigan State University in Parks & Recreation with a minor in Marketing. She is a Certified Park & Recreation Professional and is extremely proud to be on staff with the Department. On special event days you can usually find her with a camera in her hand or perhaps a shovel!


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Pictured above: Kathy with some of the staff at the recent ground breaking for the Franke Park Renaissance Project.  

If you have any ideas, suggestions, comments and/or questions about the Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department and how we can better serve you, feel free to contact Kathy via e-mail: Web Master

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Pictured above select staff at the Indiana Parks & Recreation Association State Conference where the Department received the Outstanding Agency Award!  Read more...  

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A photo above showcasing 16 members of the Department's Quarter Century Club with a combine 438 years of service!

We are looking forward to a fabulous fall 2024 and an exciting 2025! 



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