What is a Legacy Park?

A Legacy Park is a city park in our community that was established 100 years ago or more. Starting in 2008 we are celebrating our parks that have reached this milestone. We will be showcasing these lasting legacies with commemorative signage indicating their starting date. Read more...

A list of all parks including their milestones is now available: Park Milestone List

Legacy Logo

What Parks are Legacy Parks?

We have 26 Legacy Parks to date. They are listed below. Click on the link to read more about your park of choice.

Old Fort
Clay &
Main St.

Moody (1864)
& Jones

Broadway &

1900 Clinton & Fourth

Nuckols Memorial(1876)
Jefferson & Harmar/Maumee

Ivan Lebamoff Reservoir (1880)
2300 Clinton

Calhoun & Wildwood

Main & Rockhill

1600 W. Jefferson Blvd.

Guldlin Park
Van Buren/Michaels

Catalpa & W. Jefferson

Lake Avenue

Weisser (1909)
3000 Hanna Street

Foster (1912)
3900 Old Mill Rd.

Camp Allen (1912)
Camp Allen Drive and Center Street

Vesey (1912)
2938 Westbrook Dr.

Sieling Block Park (1915)
Wayne Trace/New Haven Avenue

Lafayette Park (1915)
Sherwood Terrace/Glencoe Avenue off of Lafayette Street

Klug Park (1916)
Leroy Avenue & Charlotte Avenue

Bloomingdale Park 
Sherman & Wells

Brookview (1917)
Eastbrook & Westbrook

Memorial (1918)

West Swinney 
1600 W. Jefferson Blvd.

Roosevelt (1919)
Main Street/Camp Allen

Hanna's Ford (1920)
Consists of undeveloped natural open space along the St. Joseph River

Franke (1921)
3411 Sherman Blvd.

Bowser (1923)
Reed/Fisher Streets

Next Up!

Indian Village Park (1926)

McCormick Park  (1927)

How can I donate to the Legacy Park Fund?

Simply mail your check made out to the Board of Park Commissioners earmarked Legacy Park Fund to: Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department, 705 E. State Blvd., Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805. If you have questions about giving to the Legacy Park Fund, simply contact Rob Hines at 260.427.6026. 

Where does the Legacy Park Fund money go?

The Legacy Park Fund is set-up to help compliment and maintain the Legacy Parks.

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