
Flashback photo!


Franke Park Day Camp provides children with enjoyable outdoor experiences that foster cooperation through learning, playing, working, problem solving, and socializing together. Campers enjoy a wide range of activities including hiking, fire building, outdoor cooking, swamp study, nature walks, arts and crafts, games, mudsliding and more! Franke Park Day Camp has been serving the children of this community with an emphasis on basic camping skills and nature education since 1946.

Any individual 4-17 years of age may register for Franke Park Day Camp, regardless of sex, color, national origin, religion, or disability. Due to space limitations, campers 4-12 years of age may attend only one session of camp.

All campers must be of minimum age by June 1, 2025. 

Description of Programs


4-5 Year Old Program

A thematic approach exposes young children to the concepts of seeds and plants, trees and animals. Due to space limitations, campers may attend only one session of camp. Registration is limited to one session per camper.


6-11 Year Old Program 

Campers (grouped by age 6-8 and 9-11) enjoy a wide range of activities including hiking, fire building, campfire cooking, swamp study, nature walks, arts, crafts, games, the famous mud slide and much more. Registration is limited to one session per camper.

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Advanced Camper Program 

The Advanced Camper program is open to individuals, 12-17 years of age, who wish to be Junior Leaders (12 years) or Counselors in Training (13-17 years).  The program involves day camping, overnight camping, basic camping skills, canoe instruction, nature education, ecology, conservation, camp and community service projects, social activities, and assisting the Franke Park Day Camp staff. 

Advanced Camper Brochure-
 Available next spring/Register in March!).

Specialized Staff Training

We provide specialized training for our seasonal staff that includes Child Safety and Awareness, Customer Service, First Aid and Infant, Child, and Adult CPR, General Safety Training, among other topics.


Flashback photo! of past staff from Franke Park Day Camp!

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Camp Cookbook

For those of you who are curious (or may have an allergy issue) about what we serve at camp, check out the following list for all of your favorite camp recipes:

Tin Foil Stew    
Ingredients - Hamburger, Potatoes, Carrots, Celery, and Onions  (Salt, Pepper, Chili Powder, Ketchup, Mustard To Taste After Cooking)    

Wrap Ingredients Into Aluminum Foil    

Cook Approximately 10 Minutes On Fire Coals On Each Side  (Cook Hamburger Thoroughly)  

Pork And Beans    
Ingredients - Pork And Beans, Brown Sugar, Ketchup, Mustard  (Chili Powder To Taste After Cooking)    

Warm Ingredients In A Large Pot On Fire Coals  



Ingredients – Marshmallow, Chocolate Bar, Graham Cracker

Toast Marshmallow Over Fire Coals

Place Marshmallow On Chocolate Bar Between Graham Crackers

Ingredients - Hotdogs, Bisquick  (Ketchup And Mustard To Taste)    

Cook Hotdog Until Done Over Fire Coals    

Wrap Bisquick Mixture Around Hotdog    

Cook Pig-In-A-Blanket Over Fire Coals Until Bisquick Mixture Is Golden Brown  

Cheese Toastie    
Ingredients - Cheese, Bread, Butter    

Grill Cheese Over Fire Coals Until Golden Brown On Each Side 


For More Information

Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation, 427-6000 

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