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    IMG 3636

Program Philosophy & Objective

To serve as a catalyst in providing an avenue for citizen involvement that will generate community pride through personal interaction and ownership of Fort Wayne's playgrounds. By organizing this volunteer effort to cleanup playgrounds on a regular basis, adults help to provide safe and inviting places for our city's youth. The program also generates a broader awareness to the importance of fun and unstructured play for the health of our children.

Current Adopt A Playground Groups in 2023:

The Fort Wayne Publishing Company has adopted Franke Park and  Bloomingdale and Camp Allen are both adopted by Smith Academy for Excellence. If this is of interest to your group, please check out all the information below.  We would love to have you assist us with keeping all of the wonderful playgrounds in city parks looking their absolute best.

 IMG 0431     


Mayor's Day of Recognition for National Service
Klug Park    

In 2019, Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Director Steve McDaniel and Volunteer Center Executive Director Ana Etter joined Mayor Henry at Klug Park to thank the group of volunteers who came out to mulch the park. Representatives from the Volunteer Center, Maple Seed Farms, Benchmark, Infitinty Outdoor Services, and Senior Volunteers from RSVP were in attendance to assist.

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Program Policies

The adopting organization commits to a three-year period, cleaning up their playground three-times each year. These cleanups need to be scheduled for the early spring through fall.
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A sign with the name of your group will be placed near the playgrounds, indicating your public service adoption for three years.


Program Tasks

Appropriate tasks (examples)
Litter pick up
Raking & sweeping
Weeding around playground
Painting if approved by Parks Department
Unique tasks can be considered for each playground after discussing with the Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department 

  • Additional training & materials for special projects, if indicated 

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Program Information

If you are interested in the Adopt A Playground Program, please check out the forms/information below:

Fort Wayne Adopt A Playground Agreement

City of Fort Wayne Hold Harmless Release

Adopt A Playground Program Evaluation

Current Adopt A Playground Groups

For More Information 

If you are interested in learning more about the Adopt A Playground program, or if your group or organization would like to schedule a one-day park clean-up, please submit the Adopt a Playground Form.

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