And Bring A Smile To Someone's Face!
We offer volunteer opportunities in a variety of areas. No matter your talent or interest, there's a volunteer job fit for you!
Volunteers from 3 Rivers Credit Union volunteered for 2 hours to spread fibar at Psi Ote Park on October 14th!
On October 4th, St. Francis students donated 2 hours of their time spreading fibar on the playground and painting picnic tables under the pavilion at Hamilton Park!
The Fort Wayne Swim Team helped mulch Northside Playground on Saturday, September 14!
Recently the Community Center presented certificates to those who put 50+ hours, 100+ hours, 150+ hours, 200+ hours, and 250+ hours of volunteer service!
Volunteers from the Botanical Conservatory were a huge help at the Mother's Day Plant Sale!
Visit the Botanical Conservatory website to learn about all the volunteer opportunities they offer!
Young Architects Forum of Fort Wayne volunteering at Rockhill Park in May, 2024!
Fort Wayne Swim Club, mulching Franke Park in April, 2023
Latham pool Products at Lafayette Park
Spring playground refresh with new mulch.
2025 Riverfront Clean Ups
Ready to sign up? Check out the Volunteer link!
Volunteers will clip honeysuckle limbs from bushes, cut down the remaining trunks with handsaws and carry the brush to an area in the park. All tools and work gloves will be provided. The honeysuckle stems are not prickly and the brush isn’t heavy. This is a family-friendly activity, so children are welcome too. Please dress for the weather! Close-toed shoes, like tennis shoes, are recommended. Groups of 4 – 40 volunteers are encouraged to sign up for one of the Riverfront cleanups listed above by calling 260-427-6408.
Botanical Conservatory Salomon Farm Lindenwood Nature Preserve
Adopt a Playground Riparian Management Lawton Greenhouse Community Center
Click on each link to learn more about volunteering at one of these facilities. If you have questions, please call 260.427.6000.
Ready to volunteer for Riverfront, Riparian, Community Center and/or Botanical Conservatory-please click on the Volunteer link!
Check out the Volunteer Handbook for additional information about volunteering.
Salomon Farm Volunteer
Be a part of the fun and volunteer at Salomon Farm!
Check out a list of Volunteer Opportunities available at Salomon Farm. If interested contact Eden at 260.427.6790 for more information.
Community Center Volunteer and Instructor Opportunities
Parks and Recreation is not just for kids! We offer numerous opportunities for retirees and senior citizens to join our family of over 200 volunteers and become involved in Community Center programs and operations. As a Community Center volunteer, you will find satisfaction in being of service to the community, develop your interests, and make new acquaintances. You may choose to volunteer on a regular weekly schedule or on an occasional basis. Please call 260.427.6461 for more information.
Check out a list of Volunteer Opportunities available at the Community Center. Check out the Community Center Volunteer Link to learn more!
Botanical Conservatory
The Botanical Conservatory is looking for volunteers. If interested, contact Amanda Amstutz by calling 260.427.6443 or by email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also click on the Volunteer link to sign up!
Volunteer at the Zoo!
Be a part of the excitement and volunteer at your nationally-recognized zoo! Visit or contact us at 260.427.6828 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.
Foellinger Theatre Volunteer Training
Foellinger Theatre is seeking volunteer greeters, ushers, counters and ticket takers for the 2024 concert season. Please call 260.427.6018 for more information.
School Children's Flower & Vegetable Association
If you enjoy plants, flowers & vegetables and would like to be a judge, please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more. Judging takes place in August and September.