Noll Park


Size in acres: 9.2
Since 1974

Noll Park is located at Taylor Street and N. Washington Road. For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map  or Noll Park Map 


Noll Park was dedicated on November 6, 1974 to William Frederick Noll. This piece of land was a gift to the City from Ms. Rose Fox and Mrs. Brett Lashell, the daughters of William F. Noll.

This park features over 9 acres of wooded area.


Miner Playground  

Size in acres: 1.8

Since 1973

Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.

Miner Playground is located at Miner Street and Dewald Street.  For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map  or Miner Playground Map 



In 1964 the Park & Recreation Department leased open space at on Miner Street between Walnut and Poplar streets for a basketball court from Helen O'Connor. O'Connor Construction closed its office and the entire property was put up for sale.  In 1971 the Department leased the entire property for 15 months with an option to purchase and the rental fees to apply to the purchase price if the option was exercised. In 1972 the Park Department exercised its option to buy. The purchase price was set at $35,000.  In 1971 Miner Community Center opened on this site.  In 1989 Miner Community Center closed after almost 20 years of operation and was then leased to the Boys & Girls Club. Since that time the former Community Center property has been sold.

Located one block north of the former Miner Center is Miner Playground. In 1963 The Board of School Trustees authorized the old Miner School property be transferred to the Park Board for playground purposes.  Since that time this playground has been used by countless children.

For additional history and photos, check out the Miner history powerpoint!

This playground features multiple slides and other amenities as well as a swing set.


John Street Park      

Size in acres: .17

Since 1975

Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.

John Street Park is located in the 2500 block of John Street, north of Pontiac Street.  For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map  or John Street Park Map 


John Street Park was privately owned by Sheldon Hine who sold it to Robert Musser for “one dollar and other valuable consideration.” The Parks and Recreation Department then purchased this land in 1975 from Mr. Musser and converted it into John Street Park.

For additional history and photos, check out the John Street history powerpoint!

This park features a playset with multiple slides, swing set and climber.

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Little Turtle Memorial   

Size in acres: .13

Since 1959

Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.

Little Turtle Memorial is located east of Spy Run Avenue at Lawton Place.  For more detailed location information,
check out the General Park Map  or Little Turtle Memorial Map 

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Chief Little Turtle is a man worth remembering because of his dedication to peace.  The Chief's last resting place was discovered during the construction of a house in 1912.  Mary Catherine Smeltzly, a retired history teacher, donated the land for this memorial park to Chief Little Turtle in 1959.  A grave marker was dedicated on June 13, 1960. 

Now the park serves as a quiet respite in a busy city and befitting a man who dedicated himself to peace.

For additional history and photos, check out theLittle Turtle Memorial history powerpoint!

 IMG 2714      

This memorial is the site of the final resting place of the great Miami Chief.

Repka bench pavilion playground

Ronald G. Repka Memorial Park      

Size in acres: 3.7

Since 2004

Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.

The Ronald G. Repka Memorial Park is located on Homestead Road, just south of Liberty Mills Road and Fire Station 18.  For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map  or Ronald G. Repka Memorial Park Map 


From the late 1990’s on the area was being surveyed and considered for a park area.  Through pursuing various funding avenues the Parks and Recreation Department was able to purchase the land in 2003. Building a new park as well as a fire station was very well received by the neighbors in the Aboite Township area. Homestead Park opened in 2004 and was renamed Ronald G. Repka Memorial Park in 2012.  The park is named after Ronald G. Repka who tragically lost his life after being struck by an impaired, speeding motorist while cycling on a country road.  Repka's death helped prompt an ongoing campaign to develop safer off-road trails and sidewalks in Aboite Township which eventually led to the creation of the Aboite Trails Network.  

For additional history and photos, check out the Ronald G. Repka history powerpoint!


Scroll down for more information about our park features:


 Repka pavilion


The park features an open air shelter with picnic tables that is available on a first come/first served basis.


Repka playground

Children will love this special fireman-themed playground that boasts multiple slides and other amenities.


Repka trail

A .37 mile paved walking path loops around the park and connects to Aboite New Trails and the Liberty Glen Subdivision.

Natural swale

Repka natural scene

For nature enthusiasts, Ronald G. Repka Memorial Park has a natural swale with a variety of bird, insect and plant life.

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Settlers’ Historic Hand Arts Program
13 Feb 2025   9:00 am - 11:30 am
13 Feb 2025  12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Thursday Theme Nights @ Headwaters Park Ice Rink
13 Feb 2025   6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
1812 Officer & NCO Training
15 Feb 2025  10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Dance Promenade: Masquerade Madness
15 Feb 2025   6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department  705 E. State Blvd.   Fort Wayne, IN 46805  (260) 427-6000 • Office hours: Monday-Friday 8 am-5 pm