Bowser sign

Bowser Park

Size in acres: .92

Since 1923

Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.

Bowser Park is located at Reed Street and Fisher Street. For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map  or Bowser Park Map 


One day in 1885 while once again engaging in the laborious task of drawing water from a deep well, young Allen County native Sylvanus F. Bowser conceived the idea for a new type of pump that would eventually become the automobile fuel pump.  So successful was his design that he was able to form the S.F. Bowser Company only three years later.  In 1923, Bowser, now a successful industrialist, inventor, and philanthropist, along with his wife Sarah, donated nearly an acre of land that had been beautified at their own expense on the condition that it remain a place of relaxation and enjoyment for the city's residents and their children.  

For additional history and photos, check out theBowser history powerpoint!


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On August 16, 2023 the 100th Anniversary of Bowser Park was celebrated.  Read more about this special occasion!


Scroll down for more information about our park features:


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Bowser Park features an open air shelter that is available on a first come/first served basis.


Bowser basketball

There is a basketball court available for use along the edge of the park.


Bowser playground

Children can enjoy a playset with slides, a merry-go-round and a swing set.

Art Installation

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Visit the new Art Installation at the park.


Rea Park

Size in acres: 5.5

Since 2002

Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.

Rea Park is located at Raymond Street between Holly Avenue and Redwood Avenue. For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map  or Rea Park Map

Rea Park, which is directly across from McCormick Park, consists of over 5 acres of natural open space and vegetation.  The park features a soccer field for visitors to enjoy as well as a paved half-mile walking path for the fitness oriented.


Rea Magnet Wire executives recognized an opportunity to create a beautiful green space, in conjunction with the city's plans toward revitalizing the southeast Industrial Corridor of the city.  The company donated several unused blocks of land near its facility and the Vann Family Foundation sponsored the transformation of these deserted blocks into a 5.5 acre park. The park provides an opportunity for employees and area residents to picnic, walk the paths or just enjoy being outside.

For additional history and photos, check out the Rea history powerpoint!





Hanna Homestead Park 

Size in acres: 2.5

Since 1966 

Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.

Hanna Homestead Park is located at the intersection of Gay Street and Lewis Street. For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map or Hanna Homestead Park Map


In 1962 the old Hanna Homestead house was torn down. The home, on what was originally a 10-acre tract, was built in 1839 by Samuel Hanna. Before the Homestead was torn down it was used as the home for crippled children.  Efforts were unsuccessful to preserve the home as a historic landmark. The property was donated to the Fort Wayne Community Schools by Eliza Hanna Hayden, in memory of her father, Samuel Hanna.  The Fort Wayne Community Schools gave Hanna Homestead to the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department by Quit Claim deed on January 10, 1966.  The property was then developed into a park.

For additional history and photos, check out the Hanna Homestead history powerpoint!


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The park features a basketball court with benches and bleachers for spectators.



Children can make use of the two playground sets or the swing set.

Baseball Field


The park features a baseball field so visitors can enjoy America's favorite pastime.

Walking Path


A paved walking path circles the vicinity of the park.

Psi Ote Sign

Psi Ote Park

Size in acres: 8.9

Since 1953

Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.

Psi Ote Park is located at Wenonah Lane in the Indian Village Neighborhood. For more detailed location information,
check out the General Park Map  or Psi Ote Park Map


Psi Ote Rock

Above reads " This park was purchased and developed for the city of Fort Wayne by the Pi chapter of Psi Iota Xi Sorority 1953." 


The Psi Iota Sorority purchased and deeded to the city a tract of 8.9 acres northwest of Indian Village and adjoining the land upon which a new public school was built.  This was the first instance of school and park site planning in Fort Wayne and established a precedent for such combined planning in the future.

For additional history and photos, check out the Psi Ote history powerpoint!


Scroll down for more information about our park features:


Psi Ote Pavilion

The pavilion at Psi Ote Park is available on a first come/first served basis.



Basketball Court

A basketball court is available for use at the edge of the park.


Psi Ote Playground

The park features a playground with two play sets and a swing set for children to enjoy.


Lafayette Park    

Size in acres: 1.8

Since 1915

Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.

Lafayette Park is located between Sherwood Terrace and Glencoe Avenue off of Lafayette Street.  For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map  or Lafayette Park Map 


Lafayette Place Improvement Association, Inc.. was active in the 60’s and 70’s to provide a better and safer environment for the Lafayette (Esplanade) Park goers. The park is and was actively used for its sporting facilities and is still a popular spot for young kids of the surrounding neighborhoods as well as those outside the area.

For additional history and photos, check out the Lafayette history powerpoint!

Scroll down for more information about our park features:



The shelter at Lafayette Park is available on a first come/first served basis.

Tennis Courts


The park features two tennis courts that visitors can enjoy.



There are two playground sets as well as a swing set for children to utilize.


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Settlers’ Historic Hand Arts Program
13 Feb 2025   9:00 am - 11:30 am
13 Feb 2025  12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Thursday Theme Nights @ Headwaters Park Ice Rink
13 Feb 2025   6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
1812 Officer & NCO Training
15 Feb 2025  10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Dance Promenade: Masquerade Madness
15 Feb 2025   6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department  705 E. State Blvd.   Fort Wayne, IN 46805  (260) 427-6000 • Office hours: Monday-Friday 8 am-5 pm