
Zeis Park

Size in acres: .05

Zeis Park is located near the intersection of Spy Run Avenue and Baltes Avenue. For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map , or Driving Directions.


Zeis Park was formally a small grass area with a simple wooden sign reading its name. The Filtration Plant used to have a section of railroad tracks which has since been removed. The sign was removed and the area was constructed as a gravel parking lot. There is a small strip of grass surrounding the lot offering natural open space.

Zeis Park is owned by the City Water Department.

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Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department  705 E. State Blvd.   Fort Wayne, IN 46805  (260) 427-6000 • Office hours: Monday-Friday 8 am-5 pm  parkswebmaster@cityoffortwayne.org