January 14, 2016
For Immediate Release
Contact: Natalie Eggeman (260-427-6028)
Public Information Officer
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Fort Wayne, IN.: The portable ice rink at Lakeside Park is frozen and the public is welcome to skate. The Parks & Recreation Department asks that those using the rink follow the safety guidelines below:
- Use the ice rink at your own risk. Users assume full responsibility for determining if conditions are safe for skating.
- No supervision is provided. Parents are responsible for children.
- Do not intentionally dig holes in the ice.
- Play SAFE on the ice. No chain skating, pushing, racing, reckless skating or skating in a manner that may jeopardize the safety of yourself or others.
- Use caution when skating and be considerate and respectful of others.
- Skaters must all skate in the same direction as the flow of traffic.
- Do not use foul or inappropriate language.
- Clean up the messes that you make.
- No sitting or leaning on the rink perimeter.
- No Ice fishing allowed.
- Have fun!
- Please report vandalism or maintenance concerns to the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department 260-427-6400.