Natalie Eggeman,
Public Information Officer, 260-427-6028
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WHEN: 1:30 – 2:30 pm, Thursday, November 17 (Today)
WHERE: Lawton Park (west of playground parking lot)
The nationally renowned restoration company, Conservation of Sculpture and Objects Studio (CSOS), based in Forest Park, IL has completed the restoration of the Philippine Gun Mount Monument in Lawton Park.
CSOS transported the cannon from Lawton Park to Forest Park earlier this year where they completed a restoration of the small metal cannon. The entire surface of the cannon was severely corroded and the bottom of the barrel completely missing due to the corrosion from water damage.
The cannon was transported back to Lawton Park today and Parks & Recreation staff, under the direction of Travis Roth, are assisting in re-installing the monument on its limestone base. CSOS will also clean and repair the base as part of the restoration process. The Parks & Recreation Department has committed funds each year for the care and maintenance of monuments throughout the Parks’ system.