
Old Fort Park  

Size in Acres: .20

Since 1863

Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.

Old Fort Park is located at the intersection of Clay and Main.  This historic park is within walking distance of downtown attractions like the Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Headwaters Park, Lawton Park and the Botanical Conservatory

For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map  or Old Fort Park Map 


Old Fort Park is Fort Wayne's oldest park.  The land for this park was purchased during the Civil War in 1863 for $800.  It features the original well that was used by the fort's occupants when it was dedicated to General Anthony Wayne on October 22, 1794.  It also has a marker that outlines a little history of the area. 

For additional history and photos, check out the Old Fort history powerpoint!

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