Camp Allen Park
Size in acres: 3.5
Since 1912
Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.
Camp Allen Park is located at Camp Allen Drive and Center Street. For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map or Camp Allen Park Map
Before its purchase in 1912, Camp Allen Park was a rendezvous point and training ground for Union soldiers during the Civil War. One of those regiments, the Thirtieth, was commanded by Colonel Sion S. Bass, one of Fort Wayne's most famous Civil War heroes. Camp Allen takes its name from Colonel John Allen, an attorney, close associate of famed American statesmen Henry Clay and a distinguished soldier who fought in the Fort Wayne area during the War of 1812.
For additional history and photos, check out the Camp Allen history powerpoint!
Camp Allen features a playground with slides, teeter totters, a swing set and a climber in the north section of the park and a basketball court in the south section.