
Packard Park 

Size in acres: 4.5

Since 1937

Packard Park is located at Fairfield Avenue and Packard Avenue.  For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map  or Packard Park Map 


In June of 1933 the Park Board purchased from George B. Buist, with the Packard Piano Company the land which is now known as Packard Park.  The land was purchased for $12,000.   

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Ground Breaking Celebration for Packard Park Renovations

Mayor Sharon Tucker, Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Director Steve McDaniel, community leaders, funding partners and neighborhood representatives celebrated the first steps of a reconceived master plan with a ground-breaking ceremony for the renovations of Packard Park.

The ground breaking follows five years of Park planning and public input from the highly engaged surrounding neighborhoods. This $1.9 million project is supported with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and an Investing in Neighborhoods Now grant (INN) by the City of Fort Wayne on behalf of the Southwest Area Partnership. In addition, the renovations to Packard Park were one of the goals in the Packard 2030 Neighborhood Plan.  

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Indiana's First Beasley Outdoor Futsal Courts 


Futsal, also known as small-sided soccer, has now found a home in Packard Park!  Ready to try out the Beasley National Soccer School? 

Read more about the Beasley Outdoor Futsal Courts in Packard Park


This year Demarcus Beasley visited the courts and played Futsal with other Fustal lovers!




Packard Pavilion

Packard Park features an open air shelter with tables for picnicking that is available on a first come/first served basis.


Packard Playground

Children will be entertained all day by this playground with multiple slides, a swing set and other amenities.

Softball Diamond

Packard Ball Diamond

Packard also features a softball diamond with bleacher seating for spectators.


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