July 13. 2018
For Immediate Release

        Kathy Pargmann

                        Manager Lead – Marketing




Opening Throw
Championship Caliber Disc Golf Course

July 13 at Tillman Park


Fort Wayne, IN: Tillman Park now offers a championship caliber disc golf course. At a grand opening on July 13, 5 pm officials from the disc golf community joined Parks and Recreation Director, Steve McDaniel as they opened the Disc Golf Course at Tillman Park.

The newest disc golf course will be a championship caliber course with many par 4’s and some par 5’s as well as the normal par 3’s.  As a result more prestigious events can be offered in Fort Wayne such as A Tiers and/or National Tiers.

The local Fort Wayne Disc Golf Club started planning the course in 2013. In the past five years over 4,000 volunteer hours have been invested by the club.

Fort Wayne is also home to disc golf courses at East and West Swinney and Shoaff Park.

“We are excited about the opening of Tillman Park Disc Golf Course and the potential for bringing more prestigious events to Fort Wayne,” said Steve McDaniel, Director of Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation.

Events included a Ceremonial First Throw and a Walking Tour of the course.

For more information about the Fort Wayne Disc Golf Club check out: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fortdiscgolfclub/

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