May 31, 2019



Fort Wayne, Ind. – The following events and programs are happening the week of June 3, 2019:

41st Annual Senior Games

Through June 21

Community Center (Main Street), and McMillen Community Center (McMillen Park)

Participants can compete in any of 36 physically and mentally challenging events to test their talent and skill while enjoying good company and making new friends. Individual event winners, as well as all participants, will be recognized at an Awards Banquet on Friday, June 21. Competitors can choose one event or as many as they like.

Northside and McMillen Pools Summer Hours Begin June 4

  • Northside Pool, East State Blvd and Parnell Ave.
    • 12:30-5 pm daily
    • 7-9 pm Mon/Wed/Fri
    • Adult Swim: 7-8 pm Tues/Thurs
  • McMillen Pool, Oxford St. east of Anthony Blvd.
    • 1:30-7 pm daily
  • Admission prices available at


Lifetime Sports Academy

June 5 – July 19

McMillen Park,

The Lifetime Sports Academy is open to boys and girls ages 7-18 and offers FREE group lessons in the lifetime sports of golf, tennis and swimming. The program operates Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.  Group lessons in golf, tennis and swimming will focus on skill development, training, and participation and will be taught by certified coaches and highly trained professionals and volunteers. Participants may come as often as they wish and stay as long as they like. The Fort Wayne Community Schools summer lunch program will also be available at McMillen Park for Academy participants. The Lifetime Sports Academy is funded by the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department and Lifetime Sports Academy Committee and is offered FREE to area youth. Register at the McMillen Park Pavilion on the first day of the Academy or any time during the summer. Pre-registration is also on-line at Those who pre-register will only need to “check-in” at their first visit to the Academy.

FREE Summer Playground Program

June 5 – July 26, 9 am – 5 pm

Children ages 5 to 18 who are still in school, can participate in the program from 9am to 5pm through July 26 for fun, interactive activities throughout the day, and this program is held at five local playgrounds: Hamilton Park, Lafayette Park, Memorial Park, Packard Park, and Lakeside Park, along with the city’s three youth centers: Weisser Park Youth Center, Cooper Community Center, and Jennings Recreation Center. All five playground sites and the Youth Centers are supervised by qualified, trained staff. Kickball, t-ball, bumper pool, Mancala, basketball, arts & crafts, and field trips are just a few of the exciting activities planned for the summer playground program. Children can also enjoy a FREE lunch or snack provided by Fort Wayne Community Schools.

For full details on all events and programs happening at Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation, go to


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