October 28, 2021


Fort Wayne, Ind. – Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation is offering the following events and programs on the Riverfront in November:

Dia de los Muertos

Monday, November 1, 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Auer Lawn, Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.

The Day of the Dead is a holiday in Mexico where families welcome back the souls of the deceased and celebrate their brief reunion with food, drink, and festive activities. Visitors are invited to be creative with popular festive activities; painting sugar skulls, face paintings, and more traditional celebrations. Te invitamos a ser creativo con las actividades festivas populares: pintar calaveras de azúcar, pinturas de cara y más.


Holiday Window Displays at Promenade Park

November 24 – January 3

Get a small glimpse of daily winter life at Promenade Park through our handmade paper cut light boxes. Paper cut light boxes are believed to have originated from China after paper was first invented. Many countries picked up the skill, but Switzerland remains the enduring leader referring to the art form as Scherenschnitt. The light boxes will be displayed in the windows of the Park Foundation Pavilion at Promenade Park from November 24 to January 3 and can be best viewed at dusk.


Sensory Friendly Night of Lights

Wednesday, November 24, 6:00-10:00 p.m.

Park Foundation Pavilion, Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.

Escape the hustle and bustle of the holidays with a relaxing light show presentation using low lighting projections, optional aromatherapy, soft music, and guided relaxation. Explore your senses in a new light! The program will be offered in 15-minute sessions throughout the evening beginning at 6:00 p.m. Sessions with the Three Rivers Visiting Dogs will also be available. Admission is FREE, thanks to the AWS Foundation, and open to all.


American Legion Band of Fort Wayne Live Radio Show

Tuesday, November 16, 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Park Foundation Pavilion, Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.

This unique performance is a labor of love for the musicians that perform it. It takes us back to the days of live radio, presenting a piece of American Media History for a modern audience. Complete with commercials, jingles, music, and sound effects, the American legion band will give you ‘behind the scenes’ look at radio history. This special experience is a free performance and space is limited to 40 persons.


Yoga on the Riverfront

Sundays, November 14, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.

FREE yoga on the Riverfront continues this winter inside the Park Foundation Pavilion overlooking the St. Marys River. This relaxing, 1-hour flow is for all skill levels and led by instructor Chelsea Vona, owner of Discover Yoga.

For more information about Riverfront programs and events, visit RiverfrontFW.org.


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