February 8, 2018

Fort Wayne, Ind. – Attorney Richard Samek was re-elected President of the Board of Park Commissioners on Thursday.

“We value Rick’s dedicated and effective service on the board,” said Al Moll, Director of Parks & Recreation. “He’s a true partner in our mission to make Fort Wayne’s park system the best it can be.”

February 8, 2018

Fort Wayne, Ind.
- Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Director Al Moll announced today that he will retire from his position effective March 30.

Director Moll has served as Executive Director since 2005. Under his leadership, the Parks & Recreation Department expanded neighborhood outreach programs, increased venues, added new parks and has consistently operated with a near 90% customer approval rating. One of Director Moll’s initial challenges was to turn some of the Department’s operating units into business centers. Those efforts were rewarded with stronger giving from the private sector. Foellinger Theatre and the Botanical Conservatory have become popular mainstays on the local map. During his tenure, a signature project, Taylor’s Dream Boundless Playground, was recognized worldwide as a premier venue for children of all abilities. Major improvements and expansion at local parks like Salomon Farm, Foster, Lakeside and McMillen transpired.

February 5, 2018

Fort Wayne, Ind. – The City of Fort Wayne today issued a request-for-qualifications to outline the next action steps in the implementation of the Riverfront Fort Wayne vision to foster future private development along our rivers.

The City is seeking Statements of Qualifications from consultants and consultant teams to prepare an Implementation Framework for future development of Riverfront Fort Wayne and to design Phases II and III of the project. These future phases will extend riverfront development northeast to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Bridge and west as far as the Van Buren Street Bridge. Statements of Qualifications are due on March 16, 2018. Interviews with finalists will occur in April. A final selection is expected to be made in May. It's anticipated the project will take 9 – 12 months to complete.

January 24, 2018

$1 Night

First Thursday of the month

February 1, 5-8 pm

On the first Thursday night of the month we offer $1 admissions, 5 - 8 pm, for adults and children. Babies and up to age 2 are still admitted free. Enjoy our holiday display at a deep discount on this special night in January. For more information, call (260) 427-6440.

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