Fort Wayne Parks to Hold Two Open Houses in July

Seeks input for a reimagined Foster Park entrance  

 Fort Wayne, Ind –Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation is seeking public input in its effort to reimagine the entrance to Foster Park. Two public open house meetings are planned in July.

Thurs., Jul. 18,  

5:00-7:00 p.m.

Foster Park, Pavilion #1

3900 Old Mill Rd.

Tues., Jul. 30,   

6:00-8:00 p.m.

Indian Village Park, Sears Pavilion

1701 Bluffton Rd.

The new design will seek to address not only the infrastructure and maintenance needs following the soon to be completed Deep Rock Tunnel project, but will also consider recreational amenities, landscape enhancements, pedestrian and vehicular circulation as well as the interface of a new plan with the existing beauty of Foster Park and its surroundings.

The redesign planning process is expected to be complete in late spring to early summer of 2025.

      "Reasonable accommodations" for persons with a known disabling condition will be considered in accordance with state and federal law. Any person needing a "reasonable accommodation" should notify APRIL McCAMPBELL (260) 427-6024 or TTY Phone Number (260) 427-1200, within a reasonable time prior to the meeting.

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