Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation in association with Design Workshop has been selected for a President’s Award in the Illinois Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Awards Program. The entry was based on the 10-year Comprehensive Planning Project for Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation and titled Blue-green Heritage: The Plan for Fort Wayne’s Parks, Burnham Awards for Planning and Analysis. 

This entry recognizes the wide variety of professional activities that lead to, guide or evaluate landscape architectural design. Comprehensive plans, master plans, feasibility studies and design guidelines and standards are example of submittals for this category.

The jury provided feedback saying the following:

  • Appreciated use of canals; transformative moves to close the access gaps and enhanced ecological connections; nice graphics.
  • Extremely detailed, well thought out and planned project. Presentation materials were story rich and clearly showed the data and community involvement.

Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Director Steve McDaniel observes “our team wants to provide excellent services and offerings to our residents. After over a year of compiling data and feedback from our park users, it is encouraging to see the affirmation for the Comprehensive Plan from design peers in the industry.” 

The award was presented at the annual Illinois Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects ILASLA Awards ceremony in September.  

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