February 15, 2019

Fort Wayne, Ind. – Attorney Richard Samek was re-elected President of the Board of Park Commissioners on Friday, February 15.

“Our team is grateful to have Rick continue in this role,” said Steve McDaniel, Director of Parks and Recreation. “His commitment to the ongoing success of the park system is appreciated by everyone in our department.”

February 15, 2019

Fort Wayne, Ind. – At their monthly meeting on Friday, February 15, the Fort Wayne Board of Park Commissioners signed a lease agreement with Trubble Riverside LLC for the dining facility in the new Promenade Park, which is set to open to the public on June 21. Trubble Riverside, which operates Trubble Brewing, will manage the Trubble Riverside Cafe and Tap in the Park Foundation Pavilion inside Promenade Park, the first phase of the Riverfront Fort Wayne development project.

February 8, 2019

Fort Wayne, Ind. –The Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department has begun the open bidding process for the provision of catering services at three major private rental facilities: Salomon Farm Park, the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, and Promenade Park, which opens this summer and is the first phase of the Riverfront Fort Wayne development project.

January 25, 2019


Fort Wayne, Ind. – The following events are happening at the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory in February:

“Hundred Acre Wood” Winter Exhibit

Through April 21

This winter, come in from the cold to discover the enchanting world of Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends. You’ll find Eeyore, Rabbit, Piglet and Pooh Bear have made their homes quite comfortably in the Botanical Conservatory’s Showcase Garden. You can relive or be introduced to the imaginative stories of A.A. Milne from his books Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner as you play in our version of the Hundred Acre Wood.

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