January 23, 2019 


Fort Wayne, Ind. – The community is reminded that the ponds at Lakeside, East Swinney, Franke and Reservoir Parks are not open for any activity, including skating, due to the unreliable quality of the ice.

January 22, 2019


Fort Wayne, Ind. – Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation and Friends of the Parks of Allen County are coming together to restore Foster Park Pavilion #3.

The historic stone pavilion in the Foster Park Oak Grove will be fully and accurately restored along with landscape improvements, including a new paved trail connecting the pavilion with the Foster Park walking loop, bank clearing along the adjacent St. Marys River to increase visibility, and accessibility improvements. The original rustic-style pavilion was built in c. 1938 by the Federal Works Progress Administration and the current demand for pavilion space in Foster Park has spurred this effort. Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation and Friends of the Parks of Allen County recognize the historic significance of this beautiful open-air pavilion. The restoration, along with other improvements in the park and nearby, will improve connections between Foster Park and park resources and neighborhoods.

January 8, 2019


Fort Wayne, Ind. – Here is a list of events and activities happening on the Riverfront:

Riverfront Public Input Meeting

January 10, 6 p.m.

Grand Wayne Center, 120 W. Jefferson Blvd.

The community is invited to provide input about the next phases of Riverfront Fort Wayne and get updates on the progress of Promenade Park. Light snacks will be provided, and attendees can enter to win tickets to Winter Cozy!

January 8, 2019

Hundred Acre Wood Exhibit

January 12-April 21

Fort Wayne, Ind. – This winter, come in from the cold at the Botanical Conservatory and discover the enchanting world of Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends.

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