Fort Wayne, Ind. – The following events and programs are happening the week of July 8, 2019:

Fort Wayne Area Community Band presents “The Best of the Best”

Tuesday, July 9, 7:30 pm

Foellinger Theatre

This FREE community concerts features music from the best and biggest movies and Broadway shows.


The planned project is intended to fully and accurately restore the historic stone pavilion in the Foster Park Oak Grove along with landscape improvements, including a new paved trail connecting the pavilion with the Foster Park walking loop, bank clearing along the adjacent St. Marys River to increase visibility, and accessibility improvements.

June 28, 2019


Fort Wayne, Ind. – Just Imagine: The John Lennon Experience has regretfully cancelled their scheduled appearance on July 13 at the Foellinger Theatre. They expressed their thanks to Fort Wayne and the Foellinger Theatre, but are unable to appear on their scheduled date.

June 28, 2019


Fort Wayne, Ind. – The following Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation facilities and programs will have adjusted hours for the July 4th holiday:

City Pools:

  • Learn to Swim evening lessons are cancelled for July 4th.  Evening LTS class will be made up Monday, July 1st.
  • Adult Swim is cancelled the evening of July 4th.
  • No disability swim the evening of July 1st.
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